Local Churches

While CBS has some similarities to a church, we are neither a church nor do we seek to replace church in any way. Local churches form the center of Christian communities and are specially ordained by God to educate, equip, and nourish Christians in their daily walk with Christ. They are led by pastors and have multi-generational community of Christians from all walks of life, wisdom, and experience. CBS strongly believes that on-campus fellowships should point to the local church and we highly encourage everyone to attend and get involved in a local church. Here is a list of churches to check out! We would love to help you find one and answer any questions that you have.

Bethany Christian Campus Church

10:30 AM, Cornell Goldwin Smith HEC Auditorium


Bethel Grove Bible Church

9:00 AM — Traditional Service

11:00 AM — Contemporary Service

1763 Slaterville Road


Calvary Chapel of Ithaca

10:30 AM, 1462 Slaterville Road


Christ Chapel

10:30 AM, 160 Graham Road


Emmaus Road Church at Cornell

10:30 AM, Cornell Anabel Taylor One World Room


First Ithaca Chinese Christian Church

9:45 AM — English Service

11:15 AM — Chinese Service

429 Mitchell Street


New Life Presbyterian Church

10:00 AM,  222 S. Cayuga Street (Hotel Ithaca)


Tabernacle Baptist Church

10:45 AM, 1019 N. Cayuga St.


Vineyard Church of Ithaca

10:00 AM, 23 Cinema Drive


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